Sunday, July 10, 2011

Welcome to our blog.

We hope to give you up-to-date kingdom happenings such as testimonies, insights, photos and more as we prepare for ministry in Austria and Switzerland. Have fun. Feel free to leave comments. Most of all, allow God to give you His heart concerning the people of Germanic Europe. 

Feldkirch is in the State of Vorarlberg

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Testimony 2010

When God Called...
This is a testimony of how a terrible circumstance was turned into a life-changing Angie Pitman

After experiencing a faith building and inspiring Missions Conference at our home church (Destiny Church) in January 2010, I came under a tremendous physical attack in my body. The symptoms were very severe to say the least.

From head to toe I was afflicted with numbness and was hardly able to talk or walk as if I had a stroke. There was pain in my chest and my neck. Shingles had developed on my scalp that had an effect on my eyes and optic nerves. It was impossible to focus, look into light and read without severe pain. Because I was unable to function normally, I had to resign my position as teacher. Therefore nearly one half of our family income was lost immediately. Our world had been turned upside down.

Instead of all the options of fear and depression my husband (Doug) and I decided to run into the presence of God. We knew that only God could see us through this fiery trial. We decided to trust God and His promises instead of seeking medical attention. We changed our schedule to worship God together and proclaim His Word for hours everyday. Because I couldn’t read I would listen to the audible Bible and teachings on faith. We put away all things that did not build faith and found ourselves totally “desperate” for the presence of the Lord! Worship was the atmosphere of my home.

On February 17th when I was at my worst God broke the silence. During our worship time the Lord spoke clearly through my voice. I was lying on the sofa at home because I couldn't walk. It was shocking because I had not been able to speak with a clear voice. He repeated Himself. The utterance was, "In six months you are going to Europe." Well, that was the last thing on our minds. But, we proceeded with plans even though it seemed so ridiculous to consider. We didn't know how we would pay our bills and what my physical condition would be, but we decided to trust God with it all!

While preparing the plans for the trip to Europe my husband had an encounter with the Lord in his office. While focusing on Austria the presence of the Lord came upon him in a mighty way and he began to weep uncontrollably for the people. It was an encounter with the heart of the Heavenly Father! The burden for the people was so heavy that he could hardly take it. But then the Lord gave him hope with two words, "Awakening and Movement."

Revelation began to be deposited into his spirit and his heart began to open with compassion for German speaking Europe. God is about to raise up an army of light and love from these prodigal countries. The Lord revealed that these were our people and this is what we were built for. He began to cry out for the inheritance of these lands before he knew what he was saying. Also, he worshiped God because His presence was so strong in that place. It was like Jesus was in the room. It was evident that God is about to do something huge and spiritual in these lands.

There was a vision attached to this encounter. The Lord took my husband back to 1993 to the place and time when he was called into the ministry. In the vision he saw himself give his testimony in front of the congregation that he had just received the call to world missions! Also, in the vision Doug saw himself writing a letter to his parents about this new missions call that God had placed upon his life. Wow! After all these years God sends a reminder now! the Lord’s presence Doug knew what was always meant to be.

So, he shared these encounters with pastor Dave Bell and elders of Destiny Church and they were very open and agreeable for us to continue our plans for Europe. Several occasions following and in different places the Lord confirmed that this was His will and that He will plant us among the Germanic people.

While in the Spirit (I was overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit three times in a week) one evening I had a vision of Doug and I in heaven. We were with Jesus in this light beam. Our hearts were burning with fire and so was the Lord's. At that time we began to descend to the earth from heaven in this light. The light had us to touch down among the German speaking countries! In one place the Lord promised prophetically that even the hardest of hearts would turn to Him and that we would be parents in the faith to many. An alignment is taking place in our lives…one that was always meant to be.

So, the Lord has performed His Word and we went to Europe in six months! As we said, “yes” to God, healing came to my body. I’m still trusting God for complete healing in my eyes. The Lord has miraculously supplied our financial needs as well.

Upon arrival...
We were greeted by Missions Ambassadors, Joe and Gerda Green. The Green’s have pioneered a church in Feldkirch, Austria. We had the opportunity to minister to the congregation and to individuals over the following two weeks. People were healed and delivered as the anointing of the Holy Spirit was present. There were powerful times of ministry in the Word as we shared challenging messages in men’s and lady’s groups.  It was an honor to minister in Hombrechtikon, Switzerland for the first public worship service of the new church plant! We took numerous prayer walks in Austria and Germany praying for shepherds and laborers to arise. We could see the plan of God unfolding before our eyes!

Bread of Life Church - Austria
Missions Ambassadors Gerda and Joe Green 
We discovered...
As we connected with the locals of Austria and Switzerland, they shared with us the dire spiritual needs of their land that confirmed our research. The pagan practices that go back before the Roman Empire are still part of the culture. Superstitions, fortune telling, the occult, pagan festivals, idol worship and many other practices have kept the people bound in their minds and spirits. A spiritual awakening is desperately needed.

Preaching in Austria
Speaking in Switzerland

Our Hearts Connected...
Everywhere we traveled our hearts connected with those we met during times of ministry in Austria and Switzerland as well as those we visited in former Communist East Germany. It was also a privilege to be with Wade and Linda Thompson in Bad Langensalza, Germany. Sharing with youth in their home was special. Visiting pastors in that region and encouraging them in the Lord was an experience beyond our expectation. Tears would fill their eyes as we spoke of an “Awakening.”

Wade Thompson leading youth in Germany
We are Preparing…
We are preparing to return in September 2011 Lord willing. Also, we are learning the German language and about the culture of these countries. Meeting people and building relationships are a key focus. We continue to pray for laborers in this harvest time and for God’s kingdom to come in the full measure of power bringing liberty to all who are bound and oppressed. The knowledge of the Glory of God will cover the earth!